Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Efren Penaflorida got an award as one of CNN hero of the year 2009. The awards include a $100,000 cash to continue his noble work in Dynamic Teen Company. When he came home in the Philippines after attending the awards President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo give him the Order of Lakandula in a ceremony at MalacaƱang Palace.

He is only 28 years old, but it doesn't stop him to help his countrymen. He finished his studies with the help of scholarships and financial assistance and got several awards and honors in his class. Like other normal teenager he has been harassed by some gang members in his teenage life. At early age he saw the needs to guide the youth who is not at school because of the different situations they have in life. He wanted to open their mind into something useful rather than wasting their life in the street or whatever bad vices they might encounter. Together with the help of some of his colleagues they organized a group named the Dynamic Teen Company they aim to reached out to the teenagers providing them youth awareness projects, talent and self-development activities, and community services. This group already help thousands of youth and still pursuing to reach out to those teens in needs.

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